So my nephew Tim asks where are the random musings of Crazy Aunt Liz? Wow - how do daily columnists or bloggers come up with so many topics to write about. If they are writing about their daily personal experiences, then I'm in trouble. Frankly, my life isn't all that exciting and didn't think it would make good copy. The most interesting times for me are when I'm planning a trip or when I'm on a trip. Once I return home, I'm either catching up on the mail, doing laundry, watching TV, surfing the internet or shopping, Nothing any more unusual that what everybody else does when they get back from a trip except they get it done right away and I drag it out until I have to get ready for the next trip.
Since I retired from federal service almost fourteen years ago my life does not have a routine. Working makes you have a schedule whether you want one or not. I miss not having that structure in my life - not that I'm complaining and I certainly don't want a job or any committed schedule, but there is something to be said for it. You have a certain amount of time to get things done and you do them. When there is no deadline and you can put it off until tomorrow, you do, or at least I do. I make a list of things to do the next day and I'm lucky if I get any of them done. Some days I'm just not motivated to do anything. I work better under pressure and need deadlines.
Yesterday I dragged out a bunch of stuff stored behind the sofa to sort through to sell on eBay and ended up just moving it around and putting it in different boxes - but none of it got put up for auction. I did come across two puzzles that I had put together awhile back and glued them with mod-podge. The rest of the day I spent on the internet playing this new game Jungle Jewels (the game is probably not new but it is to me) and watching some movies on TV. A really productive day!
This morning, with renewed enthusiasm, I'm determined to get something accomplished today.
The pictorial travelogues, recalled memories and random musings of a "now 70+" woman chilling in Florida.
22 July 2010
21 July 2010
Eileen - Happy 60th Birthday
12 July 2010
Journey's End - Day 13
I left Pennsylvania yesterday morning for the drive back to Florida. There was much more traffic on I-95 around Washington, DC than I had expected. It was smooth sailing once I got through Virginia. A stopover in Florence, South Carolina last night and then continuing on today. Got home in Florida this afternoon. My cats were very happy to see me. There's no place like home!
10 July 2010
New Hope - Day 11
Today I went with my girlfriends Mary and Dolores to New Hope, PA and Lambertville, NJ. New Hope is an artsy kind of town with lots of shops and restaurants and a place I visited many times in my younger years. It was fun walking around there again. We had dinner at the Lambertville Station, the site of my class reunion this coming September. Heading South tomorrow morning for the long ride back to Florida.

07 July 2010
Losing it in AC - Day 8
I left the beautiful mountain weather Tuesday afternoon and headed northeast. With a stopover in Staunton, Virginia to break up the trip, I have now arrived in Atlantic City. I keep forgetting how long a drive it is coming from the Mountains and dealing with the I-95 traffic. I swear this is the last time I'm driving it myself and not looking forward to the drive back to Florida. If I'm tempted again to make the Linville/Atlantic City run, please direct me to this post to refresh my memory. One of the places I stopped for gas today was in Woodstock, Virginia (not the famous Woodstock). It reminded me that many years ago - probably in the 1970's - Tom and I after visiting his brother and wife in Charleston SC, all four of us then drove together to Pittsburgh to visit his parents. The water pump broke on the trip and they couldn't get the part until the next morning. We all slept in our car inside the garage bay. Not many photo ops today so just some pictures to remind me of the drive and stops I made along the way.

05 July 2010
Chillaxin - Day 6
My company left this afternoon. It was a fun weekend. Tonight I was just chillaxin (a word I stole from my trend-setting niece Kate). Need to do a few chores tomorrow morning then hope to get on the road in the afternoon to continue my trip North.
Happy 4th of July - Day 5
04 July 2010
The Perfect Niece - Day 4
I guess you are wondering who is the perfect niece? Well today the award goes to Jenn! Let me start at the beginning. This morning (Saturday) we all went down to watch the community Golf Cart Parade where the entrants decorate their carts for Independence Day. I can't even venture a guess at how many there were but I'd say at least 30. We were at the start of the parade and they were throwing out candy to the watchers. The kids loved it - it was like Halloween. Then we walked back along the creek. I was already tired when we got back to the house but Jenn insisted on painting the top windows that I have not been able to tackle since I started this trim-painting project three summers ago. I couldn't let her do it all by herself while I watched so we both went up on the roof. With their help I got up there but it was pretty scary. Tim was the paint gopher refilling our paint cups as needed and keeping an eye on the kids while they napped. After we finished the top front windows (which is all I was concerned about today) Jenn insisted on doing some more painting on the deck. By the time we called it a day I was wiped out. Then they took Elle and Miller to the pool where I joined them later. After all that Jenn cooked a fabulous dinner. I figured we would give her a pass on cards but trooper that she is we played two more games tonight. Tim won the first one (making it three in a row) and I thought if he wins the next one there will be no living with him. Thankfully I won the last game. It was a very busy but fun day. Some pictures to look at and one video (Tim showed me how to take videos on my camera - look out now).

Elle Sparkling!

02 July 2010
The Gang Has Arrived - Day 3
My nephew and his family have arrived to spend 4th of July weekend with me in the Mountains. I thought I was being so organized by getting a beef roast ready last night to put in the crockpot at 4:00 a.m. this morning so that it would be ready when they arrived today but alas something must be wrong with my crockpot because after 13 hours the potatoes and carrots where still crispy. The meat was OK but it took quite a while in the microwave to get the rest of it somewhat done. Talk about stress - I guess that's why I don't cook much. Anyway after a few glasses of wine I didn't care. Two games of Gin-Out tonight and believe it or not Tim won both games. The last picture is of him doing his "happy dance."

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