Commentary by Thelma:
So this journey has come to an end. While in Daytona, Louise passed me off to the important man in my life for the last 250 miles. The weather until the hand-off was great, after the exchange the going got bumpy. Encountered rain by the buckets, hail and high winds so the going was slow. I was happy Louise didn't have to be driving in it. No rest stops or Cracker Barrels - just wanted to be home. Arrived home early this evening to one very happy dog who greeted me with wet kisses. My vacation with Louise was over, hopefully to be repeated someday to a yet unknown destination. The end of Thelma and Louise on the road to Houston.
I guess better punctuation was needed, it sounds like he was only important in my life for 250 miles, when in fact it's been 35 years. Fatigue has set in..Have a good night "Louise".