At the end of July my cousin and her husband rented a house in Dillard, Georgia to have their children and grandchildren all gather for a family vacation. They so generously invited me to come along. We took in the local sights, ate, played cards, had fun. The highlight of the trip was tubing down the Chattahoochee River in Helen, Georgia. Unfortunately, there are no pictures of the tubing adventure as there was no way to keep the cameras dry. It was my first time tubing and it was very exciting.

The week after my return from Georgia, Tom and I were visited by Rich and Linda. We spent a nice afternoon showing them the "world-famous" Iron Horse Inn and the Daytona Harley Davidson Dealership followed by lunch.

On August 20th, Tom and I drove up to Wilmington, North Carolina to spend the weekend with his daughter and son-in-law. We had a very nice visit relaxing at the pool, boating and plenty of good eating.

And, this past weekend I drove down to spend the weekend with my brother and sister-in-law in Fort Lauderdale. Walt drove us up on Saturday to see Lake Okeechobee and on Sunday we checked out a "new-to-me" local casino. You know those players cards will end up on eBay very soon.

So, that about brings me up-to-date. We are preparing to head up to Asheville, North Carolina next week to attend my nephew Andrew's and Kristin's wedding. Looking forward to some cooler weather.
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